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5 Event Photography Tips and Tricks

Best Tips for Event Photography Have you ever looked in magazines and online to see stunning photos from events and wondered: 1. How did they get such incredible photos? 2. How did they get their event and company to be…

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Why Include Influencer Marketing in Your Business?

The goal of most marketing strategies is to reach your intended audience and create brand awareness, foster lasting client relationships, and increase conversions. Often, the best way to accomplish this is to invest in influencer marketing methods that exist in…

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What Is the Role of social media in 2022?

The United States and the rest of the world have been living a pandemic lifestyle for over a year now. In just 365 days marketing and public relations strategies have had to be turned upside down and completely revamped to…

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Public Relations Reef Marketing Image
What is Media Relations?

As a small business owner, media relations is important to know how to market your business. When you look at marketing as a whole, you will find that it is made up of smaller components like public relations, digital marketing,…

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